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Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) versus Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service (CDPAS)

Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) versus Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service (CDPAS)

Clients are often encouraged to utilize consumer-related services when looking for home healthcare. Hence, search results usually form a guidance on how to enroll in either CDPAP or CDPAS. However, what is the contrast between CDPAP and CDPAS? 

There is only an insignificant deference in terms that sometime may become confusing. The term CDPAS stands for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service and the abbreviation CDPAP is utilized to reflect the program, Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program. Basically, both terms stand for the same Home Care Service available through Medicaid. 

The regulations of CDPAP offer guidelines to clients whereby they may choose a neighbor, friend, relatives or a previously employed home care aide to be their personal assistant instead of one provided by the agency.

The Consumer’s Role in CDPAP

  • Responsible for training, recruiting, interviewing, employing, supervising and managing and if required disciplining or firing a personal assistant to accommodate his/her lifestyle and demands.
  • Timekeeping of the personal assistant via an Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system.
  • Accepts full accountability for any damages or loss of belongings which may occur from the operation of the personal assistant during the contract agreement.