www.homecarenear.com - HomeCareNear

Meet Our Dream Team

"Twenty-first-century health care means untethering care from the doctor’s office to weave health care and disease management into people’s lives. It’s empowering consumers to be active participants in their care rather than passive recipients." U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy (HIMSS, 2007)

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Ilha Margolin, RN BSN

Founder / CEO

Ms. Ilha Margolin, RN, BSN is a Health Care Provider with over 20 years of Home Care experience. Started as a Care Aide, became a Registered Nurse, and dedicated her professional career advocating for homebound patients and helping caregivers. Ms. Margolin has extensive experience in Home Care Management and Education. Light shed on the real-life stories Ms. Margolin came across during her nursing career sparkled her with an idea to create the HomeCareNear,  a useful tool that allows patients to be in charge of searching and choosing the best Home Care Provider that fits patients` needs the most.

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Olha Tsyhanenko, MScEng

Chief Operating Officer 

Ms. Olha Tsyhanenko has graduated from Kharkiv State University with a major in Engineering and Technology. She has built a successful career in Production Management developing and leading projects for automotive giants such as General Motors, Porsche, Toyota, and other industry leaders, managing over five hundred employees in Mexico and Eastern Europe. Ms. Tsyhanenko found an idea to optimize home care service delivery very appealing and game-changing. Ms. Tsyhanenko develops and leads HomeCareNear strategy and projects with great enthusiasm, making a great input to the company mission.